Kind of a pearloid calamine lotion/yellowish color. Very cool old instrument. email with questions!

Next is 'THE PREP' - an old archtop acoustic guitar with great action, great old antique tone. It's most likely a Supertone, based on the tailpiece. This guitar is a wonderful player, and I almost want to keep it for myself! The instrument was built in the mid to lates 30s. Comes with the old original braided strap. One small finish repair was made on this guitar.
Cigar Box Guitar! Obviously, not from the 30s, 40s or 50s, but very cool nonetheless. Bound f-holes, black walnut neck and fretboard, dovetail neck joint & half of a coffee can for a resonator. Tailpiece is from an old Stella guitar (not shown). I'll be be building a lot of these. Some will have pickups for those of you who wish to get all Bo-Diddly on us. I'd love to build a custom box for you - email with inquiries!

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